小舞喜欢唐三吗(Does Xiao Wu like Tang San?)

Does Xiao Wu like Tang San?

Xiao Wu is a character from the popular Chinese web novel and manhua series, Soul Land. She is a member of the Shrek Seven Devils and a spirit beast with a rabbit martial soul.

Xiao Wu's relationship with Tang San, the main protagonist of the series, is a complex one. At first, Xiao Wu had a crush on Tang San and would often show her affection towards him. She admired his strength, intelligence, and determination.

However, as the story progresses, Xiao Wu's feelings towards Tang San become more conflicted. She starts to question her own worthiness for Tang San, as he becomes more focused on his goals and responsibilities as a powerful spirit master. Xiao Wu fears that she may become a burden to him.

Despite the challenges they face, Xiao Wu and Tang San share a deep bond forged through their shared experiences and hardships. They support and protect each other, and their relationship continues to develop and evolve throughout the series.

So, does Xiao Wu like Tang San? The answer is complicated. While she may still have feelings for him, their relationship goes beyond just romantic attraction. They are loyal friends and allies, willing to sacrifice for each other.
